I wanted to live on base because it is safer... or so I thought! We have become victims of night bandits! Last night while sitting at the dinner table eating we noticed something in our yard. When we looked outside we saw a little black dog sneaking around. My hubby turned on the porch light and the sneaky little dog ran off with Pablo's favorite chew toy! Pablo is devasted :( I don't know know if he will ever recover from the pain this loss has given him.
But that's not all...
My Hubby came home from lunch today and asked what happened to a garden flag we recently put up. Hmmmm did the night bandit strike? Do we need cameras around our house? Or did we make someone mad? Conspiracy? We shall see. For now, we finally decided the doors need to be locked.
We miss you Garden Flag... wherever you may be :(
We have night bandits too, though ours are the Bambi kind. They've confused our yard for their toilet which makes playing with the kids in the yard a bit iffey.